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Summer 2024

Pottery Camps

Camps - Summer 2024: Text

Camp Activities


Camps will focus on exploring pottery making - both handbuilding and wheel throwing.

Outdoor Free Play

Backyard areas available.
Campers dive long and hard into art projects.
We encourage campers to honor their bodies' needs for gross body movement, food, and play.
Campers roam freely from studio work to play and food and back again.

Camps - Summer 2024: List

Camp Dates

The following are the dates and prices for camp:

Alicia Best with her FIBER ARTS STUDIO Returns for June and July Camps

Pottery AND Fiber Arts Studios!

  • June 3 - 8 ADDED! 12 spots remaining 

Help me fill the week! Homeschoolers! Trinity School! Durham Academy! Voyager Academy! Camelot Academy!

  • June 10 - 14: $250 FULL

  • June 17 - 21: $250  FULL

  • June 24 - 28: $250 


No Camp July 1 - 5 - find me at the Festival for the Eno while my graduating teens take over the studio for a week!

  • July 8 - 12: $250 -7 spots remaining 

  • July 15 - 19: $250- 3 spots remaining

  • July 22 - 26: $250 - 3 spots remaining

  • No Camp July 29 - August 2 - I’ll be playing with my grandkids!

  • 2 weeks of August camps - Clay Studio AND Spinning, Knitting, Weaving, and more with Amy Moss

  • August 5 -9: $250 clay and fiber - 5 spots remaining

  • August 12 - 16: $250 clay and fiber - 6 spots remaining 

  • August 19 - 23: $250 clay studio only - 6 spots remaining

  • Spots remaining as of March 28

    We’d love to fill up!

Camps - Summer 2024: Text

All the Info


9:00 - 2:00


$250/week, plus $2/pottery piece left to be fired


Subject to change/update as life unfolds

In the past we have 



Hand washing

Outdoors and on Studio Porches

Indoor for bathroom access only

Parents agree to Covid protocols

Parents connected by group email to ease communications around exposures

In the event of Covid exposure, information (names) will be shared to help each family determine what is best for their situation

Additional Covid Protocol Suggestions Welcome

Who knows what Summer 2024 will look like. 

Let’s be kind and thoughtful and take care of each other, in whatever ways make sense. 

Camps - Summer 2024: About
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